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Fast Classes spotlight advanced tools and functionality and serve as a supplement to the Core Courses offered on this web site. The following Fast Classes cover tools unique to SmartOffice Filters, Sets, and Dynamic Reports.
Advanced Date Filters
Use the powerful Date Filters tool to perform focused searches on date related information captured in SmartOffice.
Runtime 8:03
Building Filters for Age 70 1/2
Rather than comb through summary screens trying to calculate half birthdays for all individuals needing to take mandatory IRA distributions in the coming year, let SmartOffice do the work for you! This Fast Class will demonstrate how to build a filter to find all contacts turning 70½ years old during the year 2004.
Runtime 6:28
Building Filters for the Half
(Filtering for age nearest birthday)
Marketing age sensitive products can be tricky, especially if you need to search your database for prospects with a ‘half’ birthday in a given month. Filtering ‘for the half’ is a technique that allows you to find all contacts of a certain age – and a half!
Runtime 9:22
Business Contact Report
You’re marketing a new group policy that’s ideal for small businesses with 10 employees or less. Let SmartOffice help you quickly create a dynamic report identifying the primary contact for your group policy prospects.
Runtime: 5:10
Dynamic Report Download
Now you can download dynamic reports, filters, and sample form letters featured in previous Fast Classes. This Fast Class will walk you through the simple process of downloading files from the Dynamic Report Download page in the Online SmartOffice Training and Support Center and adding the files to SmartOffice.
Runtime: 6:00
Dynamic Report Sorting and Display Options
SmartOffice gives you a number of Dynamic Report sort and display options that provide you with tremendous flexibility when viewing and analyzing data captured in Dynamic Reports.
Runtime 5:21
Excel Templates
SmartOffice gives you the freedom to capture a tremendous amount of data. Now you can combine that data with powerful PivotTable® reporting features in Microsoft® Excel. This Fast Class demonstrates the easy process of linking Excel templates to SmartOffice dynamic reports.
Runtime: 6:33

>> View the Excel Templates Fast Class
>> Download a printable version of the Excel Templates Fast Class

Exporting Spreadsheet Data
Export data captured in SmartOffice in the flexible Comma Separated Value (.CSV) format.
Runtime 7:01
IRA Contribution History
The holidays are just around the corner and after that…tax season! Now might be an ideal time to get clients thinking about making contributions to their IRA accounts. Let SmartOffice help with a dynamic report that will identify clients who have already contributed, clients who have yet to contribute, and contributing clients who have room to contribute even more!
Runtime 14:42
LTC Prospecting
Recent research indicates that some of the ideal candidates for LTC products are life insurance policyholders between 40 and 55 years old. SmartOffice can help you identify these potentially ideal candidates with a filtered dynamic report.
Runtime: 13:05
System Filters
New System Filters in SmartOffice 5 make it possible to design powerful filters built on criteria from a number of different categories. Search for contacts with no email address or policies without specific riders.
Runtime 5:44
Ten-year Term Renewals
Policy renewal dates can sneak up on your clients, especially with ten-year (or longer) term policies. SmartOffice can help you remind your clients of policy expiration dates in time for them to make important decisions regarding policy renewal or conversion. This Fast Class will demonstrate one way to create a Dynamic Report that will find all ten-year term policies with a renewal date in the next 60 days.
Runtime 9:54
Additional Resources
Flash Player is required to view Training Movies and Fast Classes.
User Guides and Printable versions of Fast Classes are available in .PDF format.




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