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Welcome to the SmartOffice 5 Online Training and Support center! Here you will find resources for all of your training and support needs including:

    - Online Training Movies
    - Fast Classes
    - Live Web-Based Training
    - On-Site Training
    - Technical Support Information
    - User Guides

Configuration for Windows Update
With the update of Microsoft® Windows XP® to Service Pack 2, Internet Explorer will need to be configured to support SmartOffice. Use the Configuration Guide for Microsoft® Windows XP® Service Pack 2 to ensure that Internet Explorer is configured properly.

>> Download Configuration Guide for Microsoft® Windows XP® SP2

New to SmartOffice?
Please visit our Getting Started with SmartOffice 5 page. Here you will find everything you need to get started including links to the Introduction to SmartOffice training course. Once you have finished watching the Introduction course, take advantage of the other available training courses. Details on each course are available through links on the Getting Started with SmartOffice 5 page.

Fast Class
Every other week a new Fast Class movie will be published on the SmartOffice Training and Support home page. Fast Classes spotlight advanced tools and functionality and serve as a supplement to the Core Courses offered on this web site. The most recently published Fast Class is listed below:

A comprehensive listing of all published Fast Classes appears on the Fast Class Page.

Connect with other SmartOffice or CDS users by joining the E-Z Data User Forum.
E-Z Data User Forum


Check if this system meets SmartOffice 7 recommended hardware and software requirements.


User Guides and Printable versions of Fast Classes are available in .PDF format.



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