Zinnia CRM
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The following Dynamic Reports can be added to SmartOffice. Simply download the appropriate .zip file, extract the contents, and follow the included instructions. For more information on the purpose of each report and for details on how the report was created, view the accompanying Fast Class.

For detailed instructions on downloading dynamic report files, view the Dynamic Report Download Fast Class.
All Contacts Turning 64 1/2
This Dynamic Report includes a filter that will identify all contacts turning 64 and 1/2 years old in the current month.
Below Minimum Life Coverage
Identify all contacts with an income between 45K and 65K with less than 250K in death benefits.
Business Prospecting Report
Identify all primary contacts for Business records.This report also includes a filter to identify all businesses with 10 employees or less. After the Dynamic Report has been added to SmartOffice, the filter can be removed for a list of all business contacts regardless of the number of employees.
IRA Contribution History
Identify contacts that have made contributions to their IRA accounts since 2000. This report can be used to analyze contribution patterns and identify clients that have not made a contribution in the current year. Sample IRA Contribution Reminder letter included.
Life Settlement Prospects
Identify potentially ideal life settlement prospects meeting the following criteria: Contacts 65 years old or older with an inforce life policy with a face value of $250,000 or greater. Sample Life Settlement Prospect letters included.
LTC Prospecting
Identify LTC prospects meeting the following criteria: Contacts between the ages of 40-55 with an income greater than $50,000 holding some form of life insurance but no LTC coverage. Sample LTC Prospect Approach letters included.
Mandatory IRA Distributions - Turning 70 1/2
IRA account holders will need to take mandatory distributions beginning the year they turn 70 1/2. This report will identify all IRA account holders turning 70 1/2 years old in 2005. Sample IRA Mandatory Distribution Reminder letter included.
Policy Upselling
Two dynamic reports to identify contacts with less than ideal life insurance coverage.
Below Minimum Coverage dynamic report: Contacts with income $45K to $65K with less than $250,000 coverage.
Below Ideal Coverage dynamic report: Contacst with income $45K to $65K with less than $500,000 coverage.
Filter parameters for both reports can be adjusted at run-time. Sample approach letter included.
Qualified Accounts - 70 1/2 and Older
This report will identify contacts who attain the age 70 1/2 or older in the year 2010 and who own a Qualified account whose value is greater than zero. The 'Qualified Account' option is enabled from the Account Detail screen of an Investment Account.
Ten Year Term Renewals
Policy renewal dates can sneak up on your clients, especially with ten-year (or longer) term policies. SmartOffice can help you remind your clients of policy expiration dates in time for them to make important decisions regarding policy renewal or conversion. This Fast Class will demonstrate one way to create a Dynamic Report that will find all ten-year term policies with a renewal date in the next 60 days.
Additional Resources
Flash Player is required to view Training Movies and Fast Classes.
User Guides and Printable versions of Fast Classes are available in .PDF format.
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