Zinnia CRM
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The Recruitment Tracking Module (RTM) provides you with a means of tracking candidates through the recruitment process, allowing you to define the stages, actions, and interviews that must be completed by each candidate. User defined workflows in the RTM will trigger the creation of new activities for recruiters as candidates successfully complete each item. When a candidate accepts a contract, the RTM will automatically convert the candidate contact record to a full contact or advisor record in SmartOffice. The RAM (Recruitment Action Management) Reports allow you to track candidates in the various stages and statuses of the recruitment pipeline on a monthly or year-to-date basis.
The five RTM lessons will cover the entire recruitment process of creation of stages, actions, and interviews, to adding a new candidate, advancing the candidate through the pipeline, and generating RAM reports displaying the candidates progress.
The Recruitment Tracking Module Course
Lesson One: The Master List Setup >>
Lesson Two: Position Setup >>
Lesson Three: Adding a Candidate >>
Lesson Four: Advancing a Candidate >>
Lesson Five: The RAM reports >>
The Recruitment Tracking Module User Guide
The RTM user guide has many examples that will be helpful when creating positions and tracking candidates in the Recruitment Tracking Module.
Additional Resources
Flash Player is required to view Training Movies and Fast Classes.
User Guides and Printable versions of Fast Classes are available in .PDF format.
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