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Every other week a new Fast Class movie will be published on the SmartOffice Training and Support home page. Fast Classes spotlight advanced tools and functionality and serve as a supplement to the Core Courses offered on this web site. A comprehensive listing by module of all previously published Fast Classes appears below. 

Advanced Search Tools
The Advanced Search Tools give you the option to perform a contact search based on city, state, zip code, account number, or phone number information. You can also perform a contact search using a filter saved in SmartOffice.
Runtime 4:06
Appending SmartPad™ Notes
Now you can add additional content to a SmartPad™ record while preserving the content and date of the original note.
Runtime 1:48
Changing Area Codes
When an area code change happens, hundreds of phone numbers captured in SmartOffice can be affected. The Area Code Change tool makes it possible to quickly change area codes in SmartOffice in a few simple steps!
Runtime: 5:10
Contact Assignment
It's a matter of security. Take full advantage of the SmartOffice User Assignment tool by learning how to assign contacts so they are only visible to specific users in your office. Next, enhance records, reporting, and correspondence with clients by assigning a Primary Advisor to your contacts.
Runtime: 9:01
Contact Reports
Learn how to generate contact detail and phone list reports. Reports can be run for individual or multiple contacts.
Runtime 6:17
Contact Super Add
One of your contacts has just given you a referral for family that would make ideal prospects. Rather than using the add button to add each family member separately, you can use the Super Add button to create all the family records at once, join them in a new Household record, and add SmartPad notes.
Runtime 7:51
Copying SmartPad™ Notes
Copy a SmartPad note from one contact record and add it to the SmartPad of another contact in SmartOffice.
Runtime 3:39
The Consolidated SmartPad™
Need to review important SmartPad information for two or more contacts at one time? SmartOffice gives you the ability to view SmartPad records for multiple contacts in one consolidated SmartPad.
Runtime 4:35

Creating a Contact Phone List
Creating a contact phone list for a select group of contacts is quick and easy.
Runtime 2:19
Data Import
If time is money, the SmartOffice Data Import Wizard can save you a bundle! This weeks Fast Class demonstrates how the Data Import Wizard can be used to create contact records from data stored in a comma separated value (.csv) file in a few simple steps.
Runtime 8:57
Defining Custom Fields
Modify custom field labels for multiple field types and use the Custom Fields to capture data critical to your practice.
Runtime 3:47
Deleting Contacts
From time to time it may become necessary to delete contacts from SmartOffice. The Summary of Deleted Contacts in SmartOffice makes it easy for you to manage deleted contacts and protect your valuable data.
Runtime 4:07
Duplicate Contacts
Want a quick way to check for duplicate contacts in SmartOffice? The Duplicate Contacts utility will search for duplicate individual and business contacts with sophisticated RMAs (Record Matching Algorithms). Once duplicate contacts have been found, use the Record Merge tool to clean up your system and preserve important information that may be unique to each duplicate record.
Runtime 5:59
Employee Census Import
You’ve got hundreds of contacts to enter into the Employee Census of a business record in SmartOffice. You can spend all day adding the contacts by hand, or you can quickly import the contacts directly into the Employee Census of the business record using the Employee Census Import tool.
Runtime 11:32
Export to Excel
SmartOffice allows you to store an amazing amount of data for each of your contacts. From time to time, you may need to export some of that data to add it to a report or e-mail it to a client. Data from virtually any Summary screen in SmartOffice can easily be exported directly into Microsoft Excel.
Runtime: 5:01
HIPAA Compliance Features
This Fast Class edition will demonstrate the HIPAA workflow that you can use to help you ensure that HIPAA protected insurance products, individual contacts, and letters are correctly identified in SmartOffice.
Runtime 9:29
Keyboard Shortcuts
Let SmartOffice keyboard shortcuts save you time when performing frequent tasks such as adding SmartPad records and creating Calendar Activities.
Runtime: 3:24
List Customization
Get access to the data you need, when you need it! The Spreadsheet Customization utility in SmartOffice gives you the flexibility to change list data views on-the-fly and save your customizations for easy access to the data you need.  
Runtime: 8:42
Policy Upselling
Published February 2 , 2007
Capturing up-to-date contact information in SmartOffice is vital to ensuring that the insurance needs of your contacts are met as their lives change. The dynamic reports featured in this Fast Class will help you meet the changing needs of your clients by taking advantage of up-to-date contact income information.
Runtime: 6:34
Record Privatization
With the Record Privacy tool, you can mark contact records, calendar events, form letters, and saved contact letters and documents as private.
Runtime 3:08
Resetting Passwords
It's happened to everyone. You've forgotten your password. What do you do? Not to worry - your SmartOffice Administrator can easily reset your password by taking advantage of the reset password feature. If you're a SmartOffice Administrator, this fast class is for you. Learn how to reset the password of any SmartOffice user in your office.
Runtime 3:11
Sending Broadcast Messages
You need to tell other users in your office that today's meeting has been postponed. No problem! Broadcast an instant message to other SmartOffice users by using the Broadcast Message utility.
Runtime 3:22
SmartOffice Alerts
You’ve just created an activity that includes other SmartOffice users and you want to make sure they are notified of the new activity quickly. Have no fear! The SmartOffice Alert button will automatically alert users when new activities have been created in their SmartOffice Calendars.
Runtime 3:13
Sorting and Grouping Summary Data
SmartOffice offers a number of tools that you can use to sort and group summary data - compare contact source data, identify contacts in a specific zip code, or group contacts by birthday in a few simple steps.
Runtime: 5:24
Uploading a Document
Attach files such as Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, scanned images, and documents in .PDF file format to a number of records in SmartOffice including Contact Records, SmartPad Records, Policies, Pending Cases, Investments and more.
Runtime: 7:17
Useful Internet Tools
Perform Yahoo!® and Google™ searches and generate Yahoo!® Maps from within SmartOffice.
Runtime 2:58
Viewing Record Totals
Need a quick way to view a list of more than 1500 records? Learn the ins and outs of viewing record totals including how to export a list of 1500+ records.
Runtime 3:59
Activity Automove
The SmartOffice Automove utility can save you time by automatically moving specific activity types forward in your calendar if the activities are not marked as completed. In addition, this Fast Class covers the Unfinished Appointment tab, where all appointments not marked as complete are listed in one location, giving you a quick reference of appointments that need to be rescheduled.
Runtime 5:23
Activity Search
Need to get the details on an activity completed a few days or weeks ago? Use the Activity Search tool to save valuable time and find activities and create activity reports quickly.
Runtime: 4:30
Calendar Reports
Leaving the office? Carry a printed copy of your SmartOffice activities with you.
Runtime 5:06
Creating Recurring Activities
Create SmartCalendar entries for weekly staff meetings and monthly training sessions in just a few simple steps. Add multiple participants and the activities will be added automatically to the SmartCalendar of each invited participant.
Runtime 4:59
Important Dates Posting
You've got hundreds (if not thousands) of critical dates in SmartOffice - Contact Birthdays, Policy Renewal Dates, Investment Maturity Dates - just to name a few. SmartOffice can help you schedule reminders for virtually any date you've captured in your system with the Important Dates Posting feature of the SmartCalendar.
Runtime 5:59
Prospect Follow-up with Mass Activity Creation
You’ve just conducted a successful seminar and a number of attendees have requested some additional information on retirement planning solutions. Let the SmartOffice Mass Activity Creation tool help you schedule follow-up phone calls to capitalize on your interested prospects!
Runtime 6:22
Time Zone Adjustment
You’ve got important phone calls scheduled in your SmartOffice calendar but travel plans have taken you into another time zone. No need to worry about rescheduling all of your calls by hand - simply adjust the time zone setting in SmartOffice and your timed activities will be rescheduled automatically.
Runtime 4:55
Creating Templates
Use a template in SmartOffice for your contact correspondence.
Runtime 6:12
The Custom Form Letter
Why send an ordinary form letter when you can send a personalized letter without having to start from scratch? By learning how to customize a form letter for just one contact, you can give your correspondence that little something extra and save time in the process.
Runtime 3:37
Printing Envelopes
You’ve just picked up your holiday greeting cards and now you can add that extra touch by printing the addresses of your contacts directly on the matching envelopes. With SmartLink for Word, you can combine the document customization tools of Microsoft Word with contact data to create custom envelope documents that can be printed directly from SmartOffice.
Runtime 7:03
Headers and Footers
Use the Header and Footer tool in Word to create custom Headers and Footers that can be stored in SmartOffice and used with contact correspondence.
Runtime 6:06
Importing Microsoft® Word Documents
Save time and effort by importing documents created in Microsoft® Word directly into SmartOffice.
Runtime: 4:26
Label Creation
You have contact addresses stored in SmartOffice and you have Avery© labels. SmartOffice allows you to combine the two with pre-formatted Avery© label documents that can be used when sending mass correspondence. You can easily create labels for birthday wishes, holiday greetings, and marketing materials.
Runtime 10:06
Letter Usage Report
You’re getting ready to send an invitation to your semi-annual investment seminar and you need to a get a comprehensive list of all the contacts you invited to the previous seminar. The Letter Usage Report allows you to gather information regarding the contacts you sent form letters to and when the letters were sent.
Runtime 3:09
Run Time User Inputs
Learn to use special merge codes to add important information to correspondence and run time.
Runtime 6:14
SmartLink for Labels
Print labels from any Contact, Advisor, Pending Case, or Policy record using SmartLink for Labels and Dymo Label Software.
Runtime 5:15
SmartLink for Microsoft® Outlook® Email
Now you can merge the powerful communication tools in Microsoft Outlook with the powerful contact management tools in SmartOffice. SmartLink for Outlook Email allows you to post all outgoing and incoming email to any contact SmartPad record in SmartOffice. Runtime: 5:54
Working with Spouse Merge Codes
SmartOffice gives you the ability maintain excellent client relationships by addressing contact correspondence in accordance with your client’s wishes. This Fast Class will demonstrate the different ways in which SmartOffice merge codes will populate contact information for spouses and domestic partners.
Advanced Date Filters
Use the powerful Date Filters tool to perform focused searches on date related information captured in SmartOffice.
Runtime 8:03
Building Filters for Age 70 1/2
Rather than comb through summary screens trying to calculate half birthdays for all individuals needing to take mandatory IRA distributions in the coming year, let SmartOffice do the work for you! This Fast Class will demonstrate how to build a filter to find all contacts turning 70½ years old during the year 2004.
Runtime 7:06
Building Filters for the Half
(Filtering for age nearest birthday)
Marketing age sensitive products can be tricky, especially if you need to search your database for prospects with a ‘half’ birthday in a given month. Filtering ‘for the half’ is a technique that allows you to find all contacts of a certain age – and a half!
Runtime 9:22
Business Contact Report
You’re marketing a new group policy that’s ideal for small businesses with 10 employees or less. Let SmartOffice help you quickly create a dynamic report identifying the primary contact for your group policy prospects.
Runtime: 5:10
Dynamic Report Download
Now you can download dynamic reports, filters, and sample form letters featured in previous Fast Classes. This Fast Class will walk you through the simple process of downloading files from the Dynamic Report Download page in the Online SmartOffice Training and Support Center and adding the files to SmartOffice.
Runtime: 6:00
Dynamic Report Overview I: Building Filters
Dynamic Reports enable you to capitalize on selling opportunities by effectively mining data captured in SmartOffice. This week's fast class begins a three part series that will review mining data in SmartOffice using Dynamic Reports. Part one reviews the process of data selection using filters.
Runtime: 9:37

Dynamic Report Overview II: Building a Dynamic Report
You've captured a tremendous amount of data in SmartOffice. Why not use this data to identify new opportunities? Dynamic Reports enable you to capitalize on selling opportunities in your book of business by effectively mining data captured in SmartOffice.
Runtime: 10:28
Dynamic Report Overview III: Dynamic Report Data
SmartOffice Dynamic Reports make it easy to develop and maintain contact relationships. This Fast Class demonstrates how simple it is to add contacts to a set, generate correspondence, and create activities using Dynamic Report Data.
Runtime: 5:48
Dynamic Report Sorting and Display Options
SmartOffice gives you a number of Dynamic Report sort and display options that provide you with tremendous flexibility when viewing and analyzing data captured in Dynamic Reports.
Runtime 5:21
Excel Templates
SmartOffice gives you the freedom to capture a tremendous amount of data. Now you can combine that data with powerful PivotTable® reporting features in Microsoft® Excel. This Fast Class demonstrates the easy process of linking Excel templates to SmartOffice dynamic reports.
Runtime: 6:57
Exporting Spreadsheet Data
Export data captured in SmartOffice in the flexible Comma Separated Value (.CSV) format.
Runtime 7:01
Favorite Dynamic Reports
For Dynamic Reports run on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, use the Favorites feature to quickly access your most important and frequently used Dynamic Reports.
Runtime 3:03
IRA Contribution History
The holidays are just around the corner and after that…tax season! Now might be an ideal time to get clients thinking about making contributions to their IRA accounts. Let SmartOffice help with a dynamic report that will identify clients who have already contributed, clients who have yet to contribute, and contributing clients who have room to contribute even more!
Runtime 14:42
LTC Prospecting
Recent research indicates that some of the ideal candidates for LTC products are life insurance policyholders between 40 and 55 years old. SmartOffice can help you identify these potentially ideal candidates with a filtered dynamic report.
Runtime: 13:05
System Filters I: Introduction
System Filters in SmartOffice 5 make it possible to design powerful filters built on criteria from a number of different categories. Search for contacts with no email address or policies without specific riders.
Runtime 4:58
System Filters II: No Client Contact in the Last Year
“Which of my clients have I not contacted in the last 12 months?” This may be a question you have asked before, but were unable to easily answer. By using a simple system filter, you can identify those clients with whom you haven’t scheduled an appointment, sent a letter, placed a phone call, etc. and reach out to them to improve customer service and uncover potential sales opportunities.
Runtime 6:00
System Filters III: Policy Data Mining
What if you need to find specific policy information such as all Preferred Life Polices with no Rider? Or all Policies with a status of "Submitted" with outstanding Underwriting/ Delivery Requirements? Learn how to create these filters and more by using System Filters.
Runtime 6:04
Ten-year Term Renewals
Policy renewal dates can sneak up on your clients, especially with ten-year (or longer) term policies. SmartOffice can help you remind your clients of policy expiration dates in time for them to make important decisions regarding policy renewal or conversion. This Fast Class will demonstrate one way to create a Dynamic Report that will find all ten-year term policies with a renewal date in the next 60 days.
Runtime 9:54
Additional Resources
Flash Player is required to view Training Movies and Fast Classes.
User Guides and Printable versions of Fast Classes are available in .PDF format.




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