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The Group Benefits Module (GBM) links the policy tracking features of the Policy module with the business and employee tracking features of business records in SmartOffice. The GBM allows you to easily track employee statistics such as age, income, pre-existing conditions, and which employees are participants in policies held by the business. The GBM also allows you to track products and policies with unique user defined categories such as alternative medicine and sports therapy.
The three GBM lessons will demonstrate the process of tracking group policies including the creation of group products, adding group policies, and managing employee and participant information in the Employee Census.
The Group Benefits Module Course:
>> View Lesson One: Group Census
Runtime 6:47
>> View Lesson Two: Group Product
Runtime 6:02
>> View Lesson Three: Group Policy
Runtime 9:45
The Group Benefits Module Course Companion
The Group Benefits Module Course Companion Guide serves as a printable companion document to the online training movies. The Course Companion Guide covers the same material offered in the movies and can be used as a reference guide to procedures demonstrated in the Group Benefits Module Course.
Additional Resources
Flash Player is required to view Training Movies and Fast Classes.
User Guides and Printable versions of Fast Classes are available in .PDF format.




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