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Date Sent: 12/27/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - FIRST EAGLE SOGEN FUNDS (DTPSO)
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
First Eagle Sogen Funds (DTPSO) has notified FAN Mail of some upcoming CUSIP changes. Details are provided in the attached spreadsheet. All fund names and fund numbers will remain the same. Furthermore, the management company name will be changing to 'First Eagle Funds'. All changes are effective on 01/02/2003.
(See attached file: FIRSTEAGLEFUNDS.xls)
The FAN Mail Web site will be updated by 01/06/2003.
If you have any questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Click here.

Related Documents: FIRSTEAGLEFUNDS.xls

Date Sent: 12/06/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - GE FINANCIAL ASSURANCE
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
GE Financial Assurance notified DST FAN Mail that over the next week or so they will be sending corrective processing through FAN Mail.
The price correction will encompass prices from January 2, 2002 through August 21, 2002 for the Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds-Oppenhiemer Bond Fund VA, and will only effect contracts with holdings in that sub-account.
If you have any questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: No action is required by CDS users regarding these price corrections. On the day that these corrections are received, processing prices might require more time that usual. The original GE Financial Assurance price records will be overwritten with the new data.

Related Documents: None

Date Sent: 12/03/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - Fidelity Funds
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: FUND ADVISORY - Fidelity Funds (FIDFA)
Fidelity Advisor Funds (FIDFA) has notified FAN Mail of some recent CUSIP changes, see the attached spreadsheet for all details. All fund names and fund numbers will remain the same.
The changes were effective on 11/25/2002.
(See attached file: fidfa120202cusips.xls)
The FAN Mail Web site will be updated by 12/03/2002.
If you have any questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Click Here.

Related Documents: fidfa120202cusips.xls

Date Sent: 11/07/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - Zurich Life
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: FUND ADVISORY - Zurich Life
FAN Mail was notified by Zurich Life (ZURLI) on Thursday November 7, 2002 of missing unit balances in their end of month Account Position. Zurich Life will not send a corrected 10/31/2002. Instead, they have elected to transmit a correct position for the trade date of 11/05/2002, which was processed through FAN Mail on 11/06/2002.
If you have any questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Please disregard any "Out Of Balance" records on your 10/31/2002 Account Position Exception Listing for Zurich Life positions. There is a correct position file being sent out on 11/06/2002 that will contain the correct share balance information. Please use this position file to balance you Zurich Life positions.

Related Documents:

Date Sent: 11/01/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - FEDERATED FUND MERGERS
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Federated Funds (DFS/CM) notified FAN Mail that effective November 11, 2002, the Federated Emerging Markets and Asia Pacific Growth Funds will be merged into the Federated International Capital Appreciation Funds. Merger transactions will be sent through the FAN Mail nightly of November 11, 2002. The transaction details will be as follows:
Exchange From will be sent through under Trans Code/Suffix 038-105 and Record Code 050 Exchange To will be sent through under Trans Code/Suffix 040-105 and Recode Code 051.
See the spreadsheet attached below for details.
(See attached file: Federated CUSIP Changes 11-11-02.XLS)
If you have any questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,
Ebix CRM Comments:  Comments

Related Documents:  Federated CUSIP Changes 11-11-02.XLS

Date Sent: 10/25/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - OPPENHEIMER FUNDS (OPP/HE)
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Oppenheimer Funds notified DST FAN Mail today that the Champion Income Funds(Fund Numbers 190, 191, 192, 193) were incorrectly priced for Trade Date October 24, 2002. Oppenheimer is correcting the purchases that took place with this Trade Date and will be transmitting the corrective processing through FAN Mail. Please see the Old and New pricing for each fund below.
Fund Number CUSIP Bad Prices Good Prices

190 683944102 8.06 7.91

191 683944300 8.05 7.90

192 683944201 8.05 7.90

193 683944409 8.06 7.91

If you have any questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Comments

Related Documents: None

Date Sent: 10/18/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - Lincoln National Life
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: FUND ADVISORY - Lincoln National Life
Lincoln National (LNANN) notified FAN Mail of some recent Product updates. They include some Product Code and Product Name changes, in addition new funds are being added and some funds removed. All modifications were effective as of October 14, 2002. The attached spreadsheet provides all details.
(See attached file: lnanncusipaddschangesa.xls)
If you have any questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: None.

Related Documents: lnanncusipaddschangesa.xls

Date Sent: 10/15/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - LORD ABBETT FUND MERGERS
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Lord Abbett Funds (DST/LA) notified FAN Mail that effective October 15, 2002, the Lord Abbett World Bond Debenture Funds would be merged into the Lord Abbett High Yield Funds.
Merger transactions will be sent through the FAN Mail nightly of October 15, 2002. The transaction details will be as follows:
Exchange From will be sent through under Trans Code/Suffix 038-105 and Record Code 050.
Exchange To will be sent through under Trans Code/Suffix 040-105 and Recode Code 051.
(See attached file: LA Cusip - Fd Number Cross Ref.xls)
The FAN Mail Web site will be updated by October 8, 2002.
If you have any questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Click here

Related Documents: LA Cusip - Fd Number Cross Ref.xls

Date Sent: 10/11/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - Liberty Funds
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: FUND ADVISORY - Liberty Funds
Liberty Funds (LFS/LF) notified FAN Mail that effective November 4, 22, 28 and December 9, 2002, multiple funds will be merging and also new funds will be started. See the spreadsheet below for complete details.
Merger transactions for these conversions will be sent through FAN Mail as follows:
Merge To will be sent through under Trans Code/Suffix 040-105 and Recode Code 041.
Merge From will be sent through under Trans Code/Suffix 038-105 and Record Code 040.
(See attached file: Liberty CUSIP Mergers and New Funds.xls).
If you have any questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Click here

Related Documents: Liberty CUSIP Mergers and New Funds.xls

Date Sent: 10/10/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - Zurich Life (ZURLI)
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: FUND ADVISORY - corrected files
FAN Mail was notified by Zurich Life (ZURLI) on Monday October 7, 2002 of missing data in their end of month Account Position and Direct Financial Activity files. Zurich Life is scheduled to send corrected files on October 10, 2002 (trade date of 09/30/2002), which will contain duplicate information transmitted in the original files and all missing data. Zurich is not able to eliminate the duplicate data from the new files.
Zurich Life is aware of the potential problems this method of correction may cause FAN Mail users and requested that we pass along the notice below. Today Zurich Life transmitted via email the message included below to all their FAN Mail subscribers.
If you have any questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: If you have not yet downloaded the original September 30th Account Position and Direct Financial Activity data from DST, please contact DST and ask them to remove the original Zurich Life data from your DST FANMail Box. If you have already processed this data you may see several of the transactions in your October 10th download reported as "Exists" on your TDM reports. As CDS will not post duplicate transactions, there is nothing that needs to be done regarding this issue.

Related Documents:

Date Sent: 10/02/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - FEDERATED FUNDS (DFS/CM)
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Federated Funds (DFSCM) has notified DST FAN Mail of upcoming CUSIP changes for three of their funds. This will be effective October 7, 2002. The change will affect the CUSIPs only; fund code and fund name will not be affected. See the spreadsheet below for full details.
(See attached file: DFSCMCUSIPUpdates100702.xls)
The FAN Mail Web site will be updated by October 8, 2002.
If you have any questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Read

Related Documents: DFSCMCUSIPUpdates100702.xls

EZ-DSTFTP Download Utility

Please be advised that on September 20, 2002, FAN Mail's FTP site changed their IP address of to files.dstfanmail.com. There were no additional changes made to the FTP site except for their URL address. All FAN Mail users retained their existing FTP directory and passwords. This change may require you to download a utility from Ebix CRM to retrieve your FAN Mail files. You will not lose any of your data from FAN Mail because of their IP address change.

Important:  If you are already using CDS version 4.1.1 with a build date of May '02 or later there is no need to download the utility mentioned below as the DST FAN Mail IP address change is already included within the software. If you are not sure which version of CDS you are using go to CDS, click on Help, About Client Data System. The version number and build date should appear in the top half of the screen.

The self-contained utility program (EZDSTFTP) available below will allow CDS for Windows users to download and uncompress DST FAN Mail data files directly from their Windows PC Desktop. The data is then ready for processing through the current TDM setups. The DST account number, passwords, and data directory fields will already be filled but certain versions of CDS may require users to retype this data over again to successfully connect to FAN Mail.

Click the Readme file for more details. Click the EZDSTFTP utility  to download the utility.

Date Sent: 09/13/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - Putnam Funds
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: FUND ADVISORY - Merger transactions
Putnam Funds (PUTRS) has notified FAN Mail that effective September 20, 2002 and September 27, 2002, multiple funds will be merging. The spreadsheet below details all of the changes.
Merger transactions will be sent through the FAN Mail nightly on September 20, 2002 and September 27,2002. The transaction details will be as follows:
Merge To will be sent through under Trans Code/Suffix 001-020 and Record Code 053. Merge From will be sent through under Trans Code/Suffix 001-021 and Record Code 052.
(See attached file: putnam cusip changes.xls)
If you have any questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Click here

Related Documents: putnam cusip changes.xls

Date Sent: 09/13/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - Transamerica
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: FUND ADVISORY - CUSIP changes
Transamerica (AEGON) has notified DST FAN Mail of some upcoming CUSIP changes for two of their products. This will be effective September 16, 2002. The products affected are their TA Landmark and TA Extra Variable Annuities. The change will affect their CUIPS only; product code, product name and fund name will not be affected. See the spreadsheet below for full details.
(See attached file: AEGON CISIPS 8-13-02.xls)
The FAN Mail Web site will be updated by September 17, 2002.
If you have any questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: None.

Related Documents: AEGON CISIPS 8-13-02.xls

Date Sent: 09/09/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - Phoenix Investments (DBF/PH)
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: FUND ADVISORY - CUSIP changes
Phoenix Investments (DBF/PH) notified FAN Mail of some recent CUSIP changes and additions that were effective as of August 30, 2002. The attached spreadsheet shows all details.
The FAN Mail Web site will be updated by 9/10/2002.
If you have any questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments:Click


Date Sent: 08/26/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - ING VA (GALGA)
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
ING Variable Annuities (GALGA) and Aetna Variable Annuities (AETNA) has notified FAN Mail of upcoming Fund Name changes. The attached spreadsheet details the changes effective August 30, 2002. The attached spreadsheet only details those CUSIPs affected by the name changes.
The FAN Mail Website will be updated by September 3, 2002.

(See attached file: Aetna_Change_Cusip_List_08302002.xls)(See attached file: Galga_Change_Cusip_List_08302002.xls)

If you have any questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Please DO NOT create any new Variable Annuity Products or Sub Accounts for existing Variable Annuities that are just changing product names. If you have any of these products please change the Investment name within the Vendor Securities (Security Master) before the effective date of August 30, 2001.

Related Documents: Aetna_Change_Cusip_List_08302002.xls , Galga_Change_Cusip_List_08302002.xls

Date Sent: 08/26/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - Putnam Funds
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: FUND ADVISORY - Putnam Funds
Putnam Funds (PUTRS) notified FAN Mail that effective August 16,2002, multiple funds will be merging. See the spreadsheet below for details.
Merger transactions will be sent through the FAN Mail nightly of August 16,2002. The transaction details will be as follows:
Merge To will be sent through under Trans Code/Suffix 001-020 and Record Code 053. Merge From will be sent through under Trans Code/Suffix 001-021 and Record Code 052.
(See attached file: putrscusip8.16.02.xls)
If you have any questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

None. Ebix CRM Comments

Related Documents: putrscusip8.16.02.xls

Date Sent: 08/12/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - Deutsche Asset Mgmt (DST/FG)
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: FUND ADVISORY - Deutsche Asset Mgmt (DST/FG)
Deutsche Asset Mgmt (DST/FG) has notified DST FAN Mail of their upcoming merger into the Scudder Advisor Funds (DTG/SS).  The merger will take place through the nightly cycle on August 19, 2002.  No transactions will be generated for this merger.  CUSIP and Account Numbers will remain the same, however, Fund Numbers and Fund Names will be changing.  See the spreadsheetbelow for details.

(See attached file: deutsche-scudder conversion.xls)

Deutsche will keep the following seven funds open under the DST/FG system:

Fd#  Name
419  Short-Intermediate Income Fund - Class A
421  Emerging Growth Fund - Class A
443  Short-Intermediate Income Fund - Instl
444  Emerging Growth Fund - Instl
448  Emerging Growth Fund - Class B
449  ABCAT Emerging Growth Fund
1929 Emerging Growth Fund - Class C

These seven funds will be deconverted at a later date.  If you have
questions, please contact a FAN Mail Representative at 800-435-4112, Option
Thank You,

Related Documents: deutsche-scudder conversion.xls

Date Sent: 07/24/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - ING VA (GALGA)
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
ING Variable Annuities (GALGA) has notified FAN Mail of upcoming Fund Name changes. The attached spreadsheet details the changes effective August 1, 2002. The attached spreadsheet only details those CUSIPs affected by the name changes.
(See attached file: GALGA_Updated_Cusips080102.xls)
The FAN Mail Website will be updated by August 1, 2002.
If you have questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Please DO NOT create any new Variable Annuity Products or Sub Accounts for existing Variable Annuities that are just changing product names. If you have any of these products please change the Investment name within the Vendor Securities (Security Master) before the effective date of August 1, 2001.

Related Documents: GALGA_Updated_Cusips080102.xls

Date Sent: 07/22/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - Hartford Mutual Funds
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: FUND ADVISORY - Hartford Mutual Funds
Hartford Fund (DFHFA) has notified FAN Mail of an upcoming CUSIP change. The attached spreadsheet details the change for the Fortis Securities Fund, effective 7/29/02. This is a CUSIP and Name change only.
(See attached file: MF name changeforFortis-DFHFA.xls)
The FAN Mail Website will be updated by 07/30/02.
If you have questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Hartford

Related Documents: MF name changeforFortis-DFHFA.xls

Date Sent: 07/22/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - Invesco (IFG/IF)
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: FUND ADVISORY - Invesco (IFG/IF)
Invesco (IFG/IF) has notified FAN Mail of upcoming CUSIP changes. The attached spreadsheet details the changes for the Invesco Mid-Cap Growth Fund, effective 08/01/02.
(See attached file: ifgifcusipchanges080102.xls)
The FAN Mail Website will be updated by 08/05/02.
If you have questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Invesco

Related Documents: ifgifcusipchanges080102.xls

Date Sent: 07/22/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - Credit Suisse Funds (DFR/WP)
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: FUND ADVISORY - Credit Suisse Funds (DFR/WP)
Credit Suisse Funds notified FAN Mail of an upcoming CUSIP update. Attached below is a spreadsheet providing details of this CUSIP change, effective July 23, 2002. No transactions will be processed for this change.
(See attached file: DFRWP.xls)
The FAN Mail Website will be updated by July 25, 2002.
If you have questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Credit Suisse

Related Documents: See attached file: DFRWP.xls

Date Sent: 06/28/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - Liberty Funds
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: FUND ADVISORY - Liberty Funds
Liberty Funds (LFS/LF) notified FAN Mail that effective July 12 and 26, 2002, multiple Stein Roe and Liberty Funds will be merging. See the spreadsheet below for complete details. As of July 20, 2002, Liberty will also be converting the Galaxy Funds to their current portfolio mix.
Merger transactions will be sent through the FAN Mail nightly of July 15 and 29, 2002. The transaction details will be as follows: Merge To will be sent through under Trans Code/Suffix 040-105 and Recode Code 041 Merge From will be sent through under Trans Code/Suffix 038-105 and Record Code 040 (See attached file: LFS CUSIP changes.xls)
If you have questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Instructions

Related Documents: LFS CUSIP changes.xls

Date Sent: 06/24/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - Putnam Funds
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: FUND ADVISORY - Putnam Funds
Putnam Funds (PUTRS)notified FAN Mail that effective June 24, 2002, multiple funds will be merging. See the spreadsheet below for details.
Merger transactions will be sent through the FAN Mail nightly of June 24, 2002. The transaction details will be as follows: Merge To will be sent through under Trans Code/Suffix 001-020 and Record Code 53 Merge From will be sent through under Trans Code/Suffix 001-021 and Record Code 52 (See attached file: putrs cusips 6.24.xls)
If you have questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: 

Related Documents: putrs cusips 6.24.xls

Date Sent: 06/10/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - John Hancock Funds
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: FUND ADVISORY - John Hancock Funds
John Hancock Funds (JHK/JH) notified FAN Mail that effective June 10, 2002, multiple funds will be merged. See the spreadsheet for details.
Merger transactions will be sent through the FAN Mail nightly of June 10, 2002. The transaction details will be as follows: Merge To will be sent through under Trans Code/Suffix 040-105 and Record Code 041 Merge From will be sent through under Trans Code/Suffix 038-105 and Record Code 040.
If you have questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Instructions.doc

Related Documents: hancock.xls

Date Sent: 06/10/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - Fidelity Advisor Funds
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory - Fidelity Advisor Funds
Fidelity Advisor Funds (FIDFA) has notified FAN Mail of some recent CUSIP changes, see the attached spreadsheet for all details. All fund names and fund numbers will remain the same.
The changes were effective on 05/31/2002.
The FAN Mail Web site will be updated by 06/11/2002.
If you have questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Instructions.doc

Related Documents: Fidelity.xls

Date Sent: 05/28/2002
Subject:  Fund Advisory - Fortis Funds
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory - Fortis to Hartford Variable Annuity Fund Conversion
DST FAN Mail has provided Ebix CRM with the following information concerning Fortis Variable Annuities. Hartford Life notified FAN Mail about a Fortis to Hartford Variable Annuity account and sub-account CUSIP conversion that will go into effect on May 28, 2002 (the effective date).
Hartford will be providing an Account Position and a Master Account Position file on the nightly download, available to users on May 28, 2002, that reflects the new sub-account CUSIP numbers, and data that reflects the share balances as of the end of business on May 24, 2002.
Please refer to the attached instruction document and spreadsheets to modify the subject Variable Annuities. This should be completed before running any transactions from May 29, 2002 onward.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Instructions.doc; Mapping.doc

Related Documents: Onetoone.xls; onetomany.xls

Date Sent: 05/14/2002
Subject:  Fund Advisory - Putnam Funds
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory - Putnam Mutual Fund Name and CUSIP Changes
Putnam (PUTRS) notified FAN Mail of a recent Fund Name and CUSIP change that was effective as of May 13, 2002. The attached spreadsheet shows all details. (See attached file: PUTRS051302cusips.xls).
The FAN Mail Web site will be updated by 5/15/02.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Click here!

Related Documents: PUTRS051302cusips.xls

Date Sent: 04/29/2002
Subject:  Fund Advisory - ING Variable Annuities Update
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory - ING Variable Annuity Fund Name Changes Update
ING Variable Annuities (GAGLA) notified FAN Mail of additional CUSIP changes, which they omitted from the previous advisory notice. The attachments detail their fund name changes for three products. These updates go into effect on 05/01/2002 as well. Please see attachments, which reference "_update.xls."
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: See the Fund Advisory for ING and Aetna Variable Annuities sent by DST Fan Mail on 04/22/2002 for the original notice and attachments associated with this update notice.

Related Documents: GALGA050102-update.xls

Date Sent: 04/29/2002
Subject:  Fund Advisory - Allmerica Update
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory - Allmerica Fund Name Changes Update
Allmerica notified FAN Mail of additional CUSIPs, which were omitted from the previous advisory notice. The attachments detail their fund name changes. These updates go into effect on 05/01/2002 as well. Please see attachments which reference "-update.xls."
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: See the Fund Advisory for Allmerica sent by DST Fan Mail on 04/22/2002 for the original notice and attachments associated with this update notice.

Related Documents: ALDEL050102-update.xls , ALKEM050102-update.xls , ALPIO050102-update.xls , ALSSC050102-update.xls

Date Sent: 04/22/2002
Subject:  Fund Advisory - Allmerica
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory - Allmerica Fund Name Changes
Allmerica notified FAN Mail of upcoming CUSIP updates for their Delaware (ALDEL), Scudder (ALKEM), Select (ALSSC), and Pioneer (ALPIO) products. The attached spreadsheets detail the changes, which include fund name changes and new additions to their current listings.
The changes are effective on 05/01/2002.
The FAN Mail Web site will be updated by 05/01/2002.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: None.

Related Documents: ALDEL050102cusips.xls , ALKEM050102cusips.xls , ALPIO050102cusips.xls , ALSSC050102cusips.xls

Date Sent: 04/22/2002
Subject:  Fund Advisory - Keyport Variable Annuities
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory - Keyport Variable Annuity Fund Name Changes
Keyport Variable Annuities (KYPOT) notified FAN Mail of upcoming CUSIP updates. The attached spreadsheet details the changes, which include fund name changes for certain CUSIPs in their current listing.
The changes are effective on 05/01/2002.
The FAN Mail Web site will be updated by 05/01/2002.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: None.

Related Documents: KYPOT050102cusips.xls

Date Sent: 04/22/2002
Subject:  Fund Advisory - ING and Aetna Variable Annuities
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory - ING and Aetna Variable Annuity Fund Name Changes
ING Variable Annuities (GALGA) and Aetna Variable Annuities (AETNA) notified FAN Mail of upcoming CUSIP updates. The attached spreadsheets detail the changes, which include fund and product name changes to their entire current listing and the addition of new CUSIPs.
The changes and additions are effective on 05/01/2002.
The FAN Mail Web site will be updated by 05/01/2002.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: ING_AETNA_Notice_04-22-02.doc

Related Documents: AETNA050102cusips.xls , GALGA050102cusips.xls

Date Sent: 04/22/2002
Subject:  Fund Advisory - Transamerica Life
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory - Transamerica Variable Annuity CUSIP Changes
Transamerica (AEGON) has announced they will be changing their CUSIP structure on all existing Variable Annuity products as of April 29, 2002. At the same time they will introduce some new products. To help implement these changes Transamerica will be sending an Account Position file (03) on April 30, 2002. See the spreadsheet below for all details.
All CUSIP information will be updated on the FAN Mail Web site by April 30, 2002.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Tansamerica_cusip changes_04-22-02.doc

Related Documents: AEGON042902cusips.xls

Date Sent: 04/22/2002
Subject:  Fund Advisory - Peoples Benefit Life
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory - Cedar Rapid Variable Annuity CUSIP Changes
Peoples Benefit Life (PCMCR) has announced they will be changing their CUSIP structure on all existing Cedar Rapid Variable Annuity products as of April 29, 2002. At the same time they will introduce some new products. To help implement these changes Peoples Benefit will be sending an Account Position File (03) on April 30, 2002. See the spreadsheet below for all details.
All CUSIP information will be updated on the FAN Mail Web site by April 30, 2002.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: PeoplesBL_cusip changes_04-22-02.doc

Related Documents: PCMCR042902cusips.xls

Date Sent: 04/16/2002
Subject:  Van Kampen Price File
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Errors in Price File
DST has found an error with the Van Kampen (DTKAG) price file (017) for trade date of 4/15/02. This file was processed through today with an incorrect price date. We will have this file resent later today with the correct data. Sorry for the inconvenience.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: None.

Related Documents: None.

Date Sent: 04/15/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - Credit Suissse Fund Mergers
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory - Credit Suisse Fund Mergers (DFR/WP)
Credit Suisse (DFR/WP) notified FAN mail that effective April 15 and April 29, 2002 through the nightly cycle, they will be merging multiple Funds. The FAN mail Website will reflect these changes by April 16 and April 30, 2002.
Merger transactions will be sent through FAN Mail as follows:
Exchange From will be sent through under Trans Code/Suffix 038-105 and Record Code 050 Exchange To will be sent through under Trans Code/Suffix 040-105 and Record Code 051.
In conjunction; several fund numbers, fund names and CUSIPs will be changing. See the spreadsheet attached below for details.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: CreditSuisse

Related Documents: Credit Suisse Fund Mergers

Date Sent: 04/11/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - GE Financial VA
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory - Account Position File is Missing Sub-Accounts
FAN Mail was notified today by GE Financial Variable Annuities (GEECA) that their end of month Account Position file did not include all sub-accounts. The file was received and processed by FAN Mail on 04/09/2002. GE Financial will not be sending positions for the missing accounts. Please see the following explanation from GE Financial.
"We originally delivered a month end file which was valued as 4/1/02 and understand this is not acceptable for March. We delivered a second month end file on 4/09 that was valued as of 3/28. Any policies that had sub-account transactions between 3/28 and approximately 4/9 were excluded from this file. The recovery was not able to go back to the 3/28 number of units when there was a sub-account transactions between 3/28 and when the file was recovered on 4/9. These particular policies did not have correct values so we opted to not send them.
We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused anyone."
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: None.

Related Documents: None.

Date Sent: 04/04/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - Federated Fund Mergers
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory - Federated Fund Mergers
Federated Funds (DFS/CM) notified FAN Mail that effective April 4, 2002 the Federated New Economy Funds will be merged into Federated Capital Appreciation Funds.
Merger transactions will be sent through the FAN Mail nightly of April 4, 2002. The transaction details will be as follows: Exchange From will be sent through under Trans Code / Suffix 038-105 and Record Code 050; Exchange To will be sent through under Trans Code / Suffix 040-105 and Record Code 051.
In conjunction several fund numbers, fund names and CUSIPs will be changing. See the spreadsheet attached below for details. (See attached file: DFSCMNewEconomyMergers.xls)
The FAN Mail Website will reflect these changes by April 5, 2002.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: None.

Related Documents: DFSCMNNewEconomyMergers.xls

Date Sent: 02/27/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - Putnam Funds
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory - FAN Mail has discovered incorrect fund numbers within the Putnam (PUTRS) DFA file for February 15, 2002. The DFA (02) was received by FAN Mail on February 16, 2002.
Putnam processed a B to A shares transaction, which included incorrect fund codes for all the A share accounts. In the DFA file, the fund code is the same for both the A and B share accounts. The A share information is coming through with the correct CUSIP number but the Fund Code indicates the B shares. The data for the B share transaction is correct.
Putnam is sending two Financial Activity files to correct the situation. One will be the cancel of the A share transaction and the other is the correct B to A share transaction. Putnam is sending these corrected files on Feb 21, 2002.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: None.

Related Documents: None.

Date Sent: 02/12/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - Sife to Wells Fargo
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory - Sife Funds (DFE/SI) to Wells Fargo (DFY/WE)
Sife Mutual Funds (DFE/SI) notified FAN Mail that they will be converting into Wells Fargo Mutual Funds (DFY/WE), as of February 22, 2002.
Sife Mutual Funds will NOT be sending a liquidation transaction through FAN Mail. However, New Account Activity (NNA) Files will be sent under Wells Fargo Mutual Funds (DFY/WE) through the nightly on February 25, 2002. These will reflect the new 10 digit account number format stated below:
For all matrix level 3 accounts, the first two digits of each account number will be dropped and a prefix of 25 will be inserted.
For all non-matrix level 3 accounts, in Sife Funds 601, 604, and 605, a prefix of 27999 will be added to the existing Sife Funds account numbers.
For all non-matrix level 3 accounts, in Sife Fund 602, a prefix of 27998 will be added to the existing Sife Funds account numbers.
A 'Merger From' transaction will be posted to the New Account at Wells Fargo Mutual Funds (DFY/WE) using Transaction Code/Suffix 038-105 and Record Code 050. This will represent the opening balance on Wells Fargo Mutual Funds (DFY/WE).
In conjunction with this, all Fund numbers and CUSIPs will be changing. Attached is a listing of the affected funds and the corresponding changes.
The FAN Mail Website will reflect these changes by February 25, 2002.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments:

Related Documents: DFESItoDFYWEF Fund List.xls

Date Sent: 02/13/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - AETNA Funds/ING Pilgrim
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Changes and CUSIP Update
ING Pilgrim (DST/EA) has advised DST FAN Mail that they will be bringing under their umbrella of funds the AETNA Mutual Funds (DST/AN) as of February 19, 2002. This will be done by simply moving all AETNA accounts under the system and management code of DST/EA, no transactions will occur on the underlying accounts.
On March 4, 2002 there will be some additional updates within the ING Pilgrim (DST/EA) management company. Specifically, many of the fund names and CUSIPs will be changing. See the spreadsheet below for details.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: ING cusip changes

Related Documents: ING spreadsheet

Date Sent: 02/12/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - Lincoln National Life (LNA/NN)
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: CUSIP Changes
Lincoln National Life (LNA/NN) notified FAN Mail that they will be updating their CUSIPs effective February 19, 2002.
Only the CUSIPs highlighted in yellow are either being added or changed. Attached is a listing detailing these updates.
The FAN Mail Website will reflect these changes by February 20, 2002.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: LNA_cusip changes

Related Documents: LNA Spreadsheet

Date Sent: 02/12/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - Equitable Life (EQU/IT)
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: CUSIP Conversion
Equitable Life (EQU/IT) notified FAN Mail that they will be updating their CUSIP structure effective February 19, 2002.
Attached is a listing of the affected funds and the corresponding changes.
The FAN Mail Website will reflect these changes by February 20, 2002.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: EQU_cusip changes

Related Documents: Equitable_Fund_Code_&_CUSIP_FDEXCONV021802.zip

Date Sent: 02/08/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - Hartford Funds
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: CUSIP Changes
Hartford Funds (DFH/FA) notified FAN Mail that they have some CUSIP updates as of February 19, 2002.
The following changes will occur:
32 existing funds will experience a Fund Name change.
25 funds will merge. There will be a Merger Exchange Out (record code 041) and a Merger Exchange In (record code 040) for the converting funds.
28 new Funds will become effective.
Please see the attachment for full details.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Click here for notes.

Related Documents: Hartford Spreadsheet

Date Sent: 02/06/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - Jackson National Life Insurance Company
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: CUSIP Conversion
Jackson National Life (JNL/IL) will soon begin using new CUSIPs for all existing products. See the spreadsheet below for all details. The effective date for the changes will be as of trade date February 8, 2002.
FAN Mail will have the conversion chart available on their Website by February 6, 2002 and the new CUSIPS will be updated by February 11, 2002.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: JNL Comments

Related Documents: JNL cusip changes

Date Sent: 02/05/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - Van Kampen
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory - Van Kampen Funds
Van Kampen Funds (DTK/AG) recently sent some data through FAN Mail that was missing CUSIP information. This issue has been corrected and all funds should have the appropriate CUSIP information being sent in all file types. See the list below of the funds that were affected and the appropriate CUSIP information.

Fund # CUSIP #
30 92113G105
61 92113L609
62 92113L104
63 92113L500
64 92113L708
66 92113L203
67 92113L401
68 92113L302
69 92113L807
130 92113G204
179 92112Y206
214 2113N308
217 92112U303
230 92113G303
233 92113Q301
237 92113S307
250 92113R309
276 92113U609

If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: None.

Related Documents: None.

Date Sent: 01/18/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail Advisory Notice - Putnam Funds
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
DST FANMail Monthly Account Position File ? December 2001
The Putnam Investments DST FANMail Account Position File (03) began running prior to the completion of the nightly dividend process on 01/01/2002. As a result, the 'Total Share' field (Positions 60-74) and the 'Collected Balance Amount' field (Positions 37-51) on the Putnam December 2001 APR File, for those funds that paid a 12/31/01 distribution, did not include 12/31/01 dividend/capital gains.
The 12/31/01 dividend/capital gain information was provided and transmitted in the FANMail Distribution File (DVH/CGH) on 01/01/02. FANMail users will find an accurate month-end/year-end share account balance, for Putnam funds that paid a 12/31/01 distribution, on the DVH/CGH file in the 'Share Balance after Distribution' field (Record 1 of 2, Positions 86-100).
Putnam will not be able to resend the 03 file for the affected users, so if you have a problem with your 12/31/01 positions you can use the Distribution File on 1/01/02, as it contains the 'Share Balance after Distribution' field (Record 1 of 2, Positions 86-100).
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: None.

Related Documents: None.

Date Sent: 01/03/2002
Subject:  FAN Mail CUSIP Notice - Ameritas Price File
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory - Ameritas Price File
FAN Mail has identified invalid pricing information within the Ameritas Variable Annuity (AMERI) price file (017) for the Trade Date of 1/02/02. All header information was correct and reflected the date of 1/02/02, but the price date (position 23-30) and NAV (position 31-39) reflects data for the year 2001.
FAN Mail is going to delete this file from all user directories that have not downloaded it yet. This will cause a skip in your file naming sequence. Once the correct price file is received today, it will be sent to all Ameritas users.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: None.

Related Documents: None.

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