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Date Sent: 12/18/2001
Subject:  FAN Mail CUSIP Notice - USAllianz and Preferred Life of New York
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory - CUSIP Conversion
USAllianz (USA/LZ) and Preferred Life of New York (PLO/NY) are converting CUSIPs effective close of business 12/21/01. All CUSIPs will change. Product Codes and Product Names will not change.
Attached you will find a Conversion Table for both management companies. The tables contain the old CUSIP, Fund Name. Product Code, and Product name and what the new CUSIP, Fund Name, Product Code and Product name will become.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Comments


Date Sent: 12/17/2001
Subject:  Fund Advisory-North American/SunAmerica Conversion
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Correction to Previous Fund Advisory - Conversion
DST FAN Mail found out that the previous Advisory for the SunAmerica Funds conversion contained incorrect information in the spreadsheet. See the new spreadsheet below, all corrected information is highlighted in Red.
SunAmerica Funds (DTJ/IN) notified FAN Mail that they will be converting the North America Funds system (DFE/NS) onto their system effective 11/19/01. This means all users downloading North American Funds will now be getting their data from the SunAmerica Funds (DTJ/IN) system.
The conversion will be handled in three different ways, see below and spreadsheet for all details.
39 North America Funds will merge into SunAmerica Funds with an actual Exchange transaction. These mergers will be processed with record codes Exchange Purchase (050) and Exchange Redemption (051). 43 North America Funds will convert to SunAmerica Funds with just a Fund Name and CUSUP Number change. 4 new SunAmerica Funds will be started.
(See attached file : NA-SUN-CUSIPSx.xls)
The FAN Mail Website will be updated by Wednesday 11/20/01.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Please review the spreadsheet below.

Related Documents: NA-SUN-CUSIPSx.xls

Date Sent: 12/05/2001
Subject:  Fund Advisory-Righttime/Confederated Conversion
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory - Conversion
Rightime Funds (DTO/RT) notified FAN Mail that they will be converting their funds to Federated Funds (DFS/CM) effective 12/10/01.  This means all users downloading Rightime Funds will now be receiving that data from the Federated Funds (DFS/CM) system.
The conversion will be handled in two different ways.  See below and spreadsheet for all details.
Rightime has 3 funds that will be converting.

      All existing Rightime account numbers will be converted over as new Federated accounts.  An exception to this will be any existing Rightime accounts that show as a duplicate account number at Federated.  Federated will have a new account number created for these accounts.

      Fund 1 will be converted by doing a redemption and purchase into Federated Fund 674.

      Fund 3 and 60 will be converted by an exchange redemption and purchase into Federated Fund 674

      The first download will be effective the close of business on 12/10/01.
      (See attached file : Rightime Funds.doc)

The FAN Mail Website will be updated by Tuesday 12/11/01.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Rightime Funds Notes

Related Documents: Rightime Funds.doc

Date Sent: 11/13/2001
Subject:  Fund Advisory-North American/SunAmerica Conversion
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory – Conversion
SunAmerica Funds (DTJ/IN) notified FAN Mail that they will be converting the North America Funds system (DFE/NS) onto their system effective 11/19/01.  This means all users downloading North American Funds will now be getting their data from the SunAmerica Funds (DTJ/IN) system.
The conversion will be handled in three different ways, see below and spreadsheet for all details.

39 North America Funds will merge into SunAmerica Funds with an actual Exchange transaction.  These mergers will be processed with record codes Exchange Purchase (050) and Exchange Redemption (051).

43 North America Funds will convert to SunAmerica Funds with just a Fund Name and CUSUP Number change.

4 new SunAmerica Funds will be started.

(See attached file : NA-SUN-CUSIPSx.xls)

The FAN Mail Website will be updated by Wednesday 11/20/01.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: NA-SunAmerica_cusip_changes_11-19-10.doc

Related Documents: NA-SUN-CUSIPSx.xls

Date Sent: 10/26/2001
Subject:  Fund Advisory-Lincoln National Life
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory - National LIfe (LNA/NN)
Lincoln National Life (LNA/NN) notified FAN Mail of some CUSIP updates. The attached spreadsheet details the changes to Lincoln's CUSIP master list.  The listing includes updates highlighted in yellow, as well as, new products and benefits which are highlighted in green.
The changes are effective on 10/30/2001.
The new funds are effective 10/25/2001.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Lincoln National Life (LNA/NN)

Related Documents: Lincoln National Life.xls

Date Sent: 10/25/2001
Subject:  Fund Advisory-Integrity
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory - Integrity
Fan Mail was advised by Integrity Life (INT/GR) that two back dated price files (17) were sent to FAN mail in error.  The first price file was sent on 10/23/01 with a price date of 3/29/1996.  The second price file was sent on 10/24/01 with a price date of 3/31/1997.  Both erroneous files were sent to all users.
Please note that all valid price files have been sent to their users as well.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Integrity Comments

Related Documents: 

Date Sent: 09/14/2001
Subject:  Fund Advisory-Lincoln Financial Group
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory - Lincoln Financial Group
DST FAN Mail has provided Ebix CRM with the following information concerning Lincoln National Life Variable Annuities. Lincoln National Life notified FAN Mail about Variable Annuity sub-account CUSIP changes that went into effect on September 10, 2001.
FAN Mail has also notified us that by accident Lincoln National Life resent the July 31, 2001 Account Position file on September 1, 2001. Lincoln National Life sent an Account Position file for August 31, 2001 share balances on September 6, 2001. This file reflects the correct share balances for August 31, 2001 and also reflects the old sub-account CUSIP numbers.
Lincoln National Life will be providing an Account Position file that reflects the new sub-account CUSIP #'s and data that reflects the share balances as of September 10, 2001. Once DST FAN Mail receives this file from Lincoln National Life, the files will be sent out to all clients. As of today, September 14, 2001 the September 10, 2001 Account Position file from LFG has not been provided to DST FAN Mail.
Also, the Daily Financial Activity, New Account Activity, and Fund Price Files will not be transmitted until this new Account Position file has been sent. This should allow you additional time necessary to make any needed corrections to the Lincoln National Life VA sub-accounts CUSIP #'s.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,
Ebix CRM Comments: LIncoln Financial Group.doc

Related Documents: Original LFP CUSIP Conversion.xls, Lincoln Cusip Conversion

Date Sent: 09/11/2001
Subject:  Fund Advisory-Security Benefit Life
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory - Security Benefit Life
Security Benefit Life notified FAN Mail of upcoming CUSIP changes and product additions. The attached spreadsheet details the CUSIP and Product Code changes and a separate section detailing the addition of new products. The changes are effective on September 4, 2001.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Security Benefit Life instructions.

Related Documents: sblsplit.xls

Date Sent: 09/07/2001
Subject:  Fund Advisory-Pacific Life
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory - Pacific Life
Pacific Life (PCF/PI) has provided FAN Mail with their updated CUSIP Conversion spreadsheet which is attached below and labeled as PacificLife083101CUSIPConversion.xls. Pacific Life's (PCF/PI) August 31, 2001 Account Position files will reflect this updated information.
(See attached file: PacificLife083101CUSIPConversion.xls)
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Pacific Life Instructions (09/07/01)

Related Documents: PacificLife083101CUSIPConversion.xls

Date Sent: 09/07/2001
Subject:  Fund Advisory-JP Morgan/Chase Vista Conversion
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory - JP Morgan Funds/Chase Vista Conversion
DST FAN Mail has provided Ebix CRM with the following information concerning JPM Funds and JP Morgan Funds. JPM and JP Morgan Funds have notified FAN Mail that they will be merging together. At that time the JPM Funds under System/Management will be eliminated and the accounts merged into existing and newly created funds under JP Morgan Funds as detailed in the conversion spreadsheet below.
This merger will occur over the weekend of September 7-9, 2001.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112, Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Please review the spreadsheet below and make all necessary changes that are required prior to the conversion date.

Related Documents: JPMorgan Fund Cons Matrix-revised ds.xls

Date Sent: 08/31/2001
Subject:  Fund Advisory-Pacific Life
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory - Pacific Life


Important Notice from Ebix CRM for DST FAN Mail Interface users receiving account information from


DST FAN Mail notified Ebix CRM, Inc. on August 31, 2001 at 11:30 AM PST with the following information concerning the Pacific Life Variable Annuities CUSIP conversion.  Pacific Life has notified DST FAN Mail that there are going to be some delays with the conversion process. 
Ebix CRM Comments:  Please DO NOT change any of your existing Pacific Life VA sub-account CUSIP’s until further notice.  Pacific Life has put a HOLD on the CUSIP conversion until further notice. Please note that you will not receive ANY Pacific Life Data whatsoever  (month-end position files, transactions, distributions, etc.) until this issue has been cleared up at Pacific Life.  Ebix CRM will inform all our clients, via fax broadcast, when DST has provided us with the correct CUSIP information. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused your office.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: None.

Related Documents: None.

Date Sent: 08/20/2001
Subject:  Advisory Notice - Western Reserve Life Cusip Changes
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Advisory Notice - Western Reserve Life Cusip Changes
DST FAN Mail has provided Ebix CRM with the following information concerning Western Reserve Life Variable Annuities. DST FAN Mail has received notification that Western Reserve Life is changing the Fund Name (Sub-Account Description) for the Dean Asset Allocation to WRL Transamerica Value Balanced, effective August 25, 2001. Please see the attached file.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112 Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: See the attached file.

Related Documents: Western Reserve Life Cusip Changes

Date Sent: 08/14/2001
Subject:  Advisory Notice - Price File Error
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Advisory Notice - Price File Error
DST FAN Mail has provided Ebix CRM with the following information concerning errors with three Mutual Fund prices files. The FAN Mail group has identified an error with three Mutual Fund price files. The files that were affected are the John Hancock price files from the close of business of 8/9/20001, and the American and Landmark Funds price files from the close of business of 8/13/2001. These files contained truncated detail record lines that caused the fields to be out of sequence.
If you have not downloaded the incorrect files, then they will be removed from your FTP directory and replaced with the corrected file. If this is the case you will not be affected by this error.
If you have downloaded the incorrect files, the corrected files will be transmitted to your users FTP directory later today, 8/14/2001.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: The new price files that DST FAN Mail will provide will overwrite the bad price data in CDS.

Related Documents: None.

Date Sent: 08/06/2001
Subject:  Advisory Notice - Re: Error Notice
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Advisory Notice - Error Notice
DST FAN Mail has notified Ebix CRM, Inc. that the FAN Mail service had experienced a problem with the transmission of several price files that were processed between the dates of 8-4-01 and 8-6-01. This error effected price files with the close of business dates of 8-3-2001 through 8-5-2001. The error caused the files to contain erroneous information. The following management companies were affected:
Putnam Allstate Advisor (STE/AL)
Allstate Lincoln Benefit (ALN/BE)
Fidelity Advisory (FID/FA)
Allmerica Delaware (ALD/EL)
Allmerica Select (ALS/SC)
Allmerica Kemper (ALK/EM)
GE Financial Assurance (GEE/CA)
Protective Life (PRT/LE)
As of 5pm CST, August 6, 2001, the FAN Mail group was in the process of resending the corrected price files out to the end users FTP directory.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: The new price files that DST FAN Mail will provide will overwrite the bad price data in CDS.

Related Documents: None.

Date Sent: 07/27/2001
Subject:  Advisory Notice - System DTJ
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Advisory Notice - System DTJ
DST FAN Mail has provided Ebix CRM Inc. with the following information concerning several Mutual Fund companies who had posted duplicate transactions with a processing date of July 26, 2001:
RS Investments----DTJ/RS
The Royce Funds----DTJ/QA
Value Line----DTJ/VL
In order to rectify this situation a Cancellation of the duplicate trade will be transmitted through the night of July 27, 2001. Please see the sample situation below for additional clarification.
Example: Account # 123456 had a Purchase of $100.00 processed into the account on July 26, 2001. This was transmitted through FAN Mail's DFA File of July 26, 2001 as two separate $100.00 Purchases. The Cancellation that will be transmitted through July 27th should counterbalance or neutralize the second Purchase transaction.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112 Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: System DTJ Duplicate Transaction.doc

Related Documents: None.

Date Sent: 07/22/2001
Subject:  Advisory Notice - Fortis VA Cusip Changes
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Advisory Notice - Fortis VA Cusip Changes
DST FAN Mail has provided Ebix CRM with the following information concerning Fortis Variable Annuities. Fortis VA (FOR/TI) has advised DST FAN Mail that effective July 30, 2001 the Strategic Income Fund II will be renamed to Federated Total Return Bond Fund II.
The FAN Mail Website will be updated by August 2nd.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112 Option 2.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Please DO NOT create any new Variable Annuity Products or Sub Accounts for existing Variable Annuities that are just changing sub-account names. If you have any of these two products please change the Investment name within the Vendor Securities (Security Master) before the effective date of July 30, 2001.

Related Documents: 071801FANMAILFundlist.xls

Date Sent: 07/17/2001
Subject:  Fan Mail Announcement
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fan Mail Announcement
DST FAN Mail has provided Ebix CRM with the following information concerning ING Variable Annuities (GALGA). ING Variable Annuities notified DST FAN Mail that duplicate amounts were transmitted in their Direct Financial Activity file for 07/13/2001. The DFA file was received by FAN Mail on the morning of 07/14/2001.
The duplications within the DFA are inflated amounts, exactly duplicate of actual transaction amounts. At this time it is ING VA's intention to create a Reversal DFA file which will reverse the entire amount of the transaction. ING VA will then follow with a Correct File for 07/13/2001. FAN Mail expects to receive the Reversal File in the next couple days. If ING VA finds that they are not able to transmit this Reversal DFA file, FAN Mail will send another notification.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: None.

Related Documents: None.

Date Sent: 07/09/2001
Subject:Fund Advisory -- Conseco CUSIP changes
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory -- Conseco CUSIP Changes
Conseco(CON/CO) notified FAN Mail of an upcoming CUSIP and Product Code update. The attached spreadsheet details the changes to existing CUSIPS along with product codes and names of sub accounts. Please note, that Products "Series Seven" and "Series Eight" are being combined with "Series Six". New Product Codes have been created to show this update. The changes are effective as of the close of business of July 2, 2001. The FAN Mail Website will be updated by July 2, 2001. If you have any related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-303-2787 after July 1st at 800-435-4112.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Read this.

Related Documents: CUSIP Translation Table.xls

Date Sent: 07/09/2001
Subject:Fund Advisory -- Aetna Mutual Fund Conversion
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory -- Aetna Mutual Fund Conversion
DST FAN Mail has provided Ebix CRM with the following information concerning Aetna Mutual Funds. This notice is to inform you that Aetna Mutual Funds (DSTAN) will be converting from PFPC's Dazl to DST FAN Mail as of the close of business on 7-9-01. To accommodate the conversion, a few existing FAN Mail users will be authorized for Aetna data. However, general availability of Aetna will come at a later date. All existing FAN Mail users currently utilizing Dazl were notified via email on 6-21-01 of the conversion.
Aetna will be using the same eleven-character account number, CUSIPs and fund codes as currently through Dazl.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: None.

Related Documents: None.

Date Sent: 06/28/2001
Subject:Fund Advisory -- Kemper/Scudder CUSIP Changes
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory -- Kemper/Scudder CUSIP Changes
Kemper Funds notified Fan Mail of some upcoming CUSIP updates. The attached spreadsheet details the changes that will occur. (See attached file: DTGDFQCusipConversion070201.xls)
These changes are effective on July 2, 2001. The Fan Mail Website will be updated by July 3, 2001.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Read this.

Related Documents: DTGDFQCusipConversion070201.xls

Date Sent: 06/27/2001
Subject:Fund Advisory -- Aim Funds
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory -- Aim Funds
DST FAN Mail has provided Ebix CRM with the following information concerning Aim Funds. FAN Mail had discovered missing CUSIPs within the AIM Account Master Position (AMP) file for 06/25/2001. The AMP file was received by FAN Mail on 6/26/2001.
Due to an Aim Custodial Name Change from ITC to ANTC, Aim transmitted an updated Account Position (APR) and Account Master Position (AMP) for all FAN Mail users who had affected accounts. The AMP file included non-active funds with a Blank CUSIP field--that is, funds that should not have transmitted through FAN Mail. The blank CUSIP field (Positions 23 through 31) caused data in following fields to shift to the left. All other datawithin the AMP is correct.
The error is limited to the AMP file for 6/25/2001 only. Since a reversal of AMP data is not possible, AIM will not send any corrections.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-435-4112.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: None.

Related Documents: None.

Date Sent: 06/15/2001
Subject:Fund Advisory -- Lincoln National Life
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory -- Lincoln National Life
Lincoln National Life has informed FAN Mail that their 05/31/2001 Position and Master Position Files contained incorrect CUSIPs. The error affected only Fixed CUSIPs and a limited number of policies, approximately 700.
The Fixed CUSIP Numbers for these policies were incorrect. Everything else with the data of the two files was correct.
Lincoln National Life has created corrections of these two files and can provide them per user request. Because many FAN Mail users were not affected or have already corrected the errors in their system, these files will be available only upon request. To make the request contact Annette Yount (219-455-6832) at Lincoln National Life.
Attached is an explanation from Lincoln National Life. Please note that the files were not transmitted through FAN Mail as mentioned in the attachment but will instead be available by request.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-303-2787.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Read this.

Related Documents: AMP APO 053101 A3 Corrections.doc

Date Sent: 06/15/2001
Subject:Fund Advisory -- Scudder/Kemper
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory -- Scudder/Kemper 6/22 Merger & Rebranding
Kemper Financial Services (DTG/SS) notified FAN Mail that they will be merging some funds effective at the close of business on June 22, 2001. These mergers will be processed with record codes Exchange Purchase (050 ) and Exchange Redemption (051). Prior to the merger, Kemper created the new accounts with a zero balance that were sent on 6/01/01 in the New Account Activity file.
In addition to the mergers, Kemper Financial Services will be changing certain Fund Names and CUSIPs to brand them as Scudder. Attached are spreadsheets listing the affected funds and the corresponding changes.
(See attached file: Kemper Fund Info - Merger #5.doc) (See attached file: KemperRebranding 6-22.xls).
The FAN Mail Website will reflect these changes by June 25, 2001.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-303-2787.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Read this.

Related Documents: KemperRebranding 6-22.xls

Date Sent: 06/07/2001
Subject:Fund Advisory -- Scudder/Kemper
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory -- Scudder/Kemper Merger & Rebranding
Kemper Financial Services (DTG/SS) notified FAN Mail that they will be merging some funds effective at the close of business on June 8, 2001 and June 15, 2001. These mergers will be processed with record codes Exchange Purchase (050 ) and Exchange Redemption (051). Prior to the merger, Kemper created the new accounts with a zero balance that were sent on 6/01/01 in the New Account Activity file.
In addition to the mergers, Kemper Financial Services will be changing certain Fund Names and CUSIPs to brand them as Scudder. Attached are spreadsheets listing the affected funds and the corresponding changes.
June 8, 2001 Merging Funds Rebranding Funds (See attached file: June8KemperScudderMergers.xls)(See attached file: June8KemperRebrand.xls).
June 15, 2001 Merging Funds Rebranding Funds (See attached file: June15KemperScudderMergers.xls)(See attached file: June15KemperRebrand.xls).
The FAN Mail Website will reflect these changes by June 11 and June 18, 2001.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-303-2787.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Read this.

Related Documents: June8KemperScudderMergers.xls, June8KemperRebrand.xls, June15KemperScudderMergers.xls, June15KemperRebr`nd.xls

Date Sent: 06/05/2001
Subject:Fund Advisory -- Fortis VA
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory -- Fortis VA
DST FAN Mail has provided Ebix CRM with the following information concerning Fortis Variable Annuity. The Fortis Variable Annuity Month-end Account Position File will be available for download on 06/05/2001. Initially, Fortis VA transmitted an Account Position on 06/02/2001 for the trade date of 06/01/2001 and not the expected date of 05/31/2001. They have recreated the Account Position for the month-end with month-end values. This file will be available later today.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-303-2787.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: None.

Related Documents:

Date Sent: 05/30/2001
Subject:Fund Advisory -- Kemper/Scudder
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory -- Scudder/Kemper Conversion
Kemper Financial Services (DTG/SS) notified FAN Mail that , effective at the close of business on May 25, 2001 they will be merging three funds. These mergers will be done through an exchange transaction that will be transmitted through DST FAN Mail through the nightly of May 25, 2001.
In addition to the mergers, Kemper Financial Services will be changing certain Fund Names and CUSIPs to brand them as Scudder. Attached are spreadsheets listing the affected funds and the corresponding changes.
Merging Funds Rebranding Funds (See attached file: DTGScudderMergers0525.doc) (See attached file: DTGScudderRebranding052501b.xls)
The FAN Mail Website will reflect these changes by May 31,2001.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-303-2787.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Read this!

Related Documents: DTGScudderMergers0535.doc,DTGScudderRebranding052501.xls

Date Sent: 05/23/2001
Subject:Fund Advisory -- Pacific Life
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory -- Pacific Life
DST FAN Mail has provided Ebix CRM with the following information concerning Pacific Life Variable Annuities. FAN Mail has discovered that the Product Code within the Pacific Life (PCF/PI) New Account Activity File (08) is missing. The Product Code is located in record 1 of 3 positions 32-38. The error started around the first week in April and has continued through current day. Pacific Life has indicated that they will have this error corrected by 05/25/01. There will not be any correction files sent.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-303-2787.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: None.

Date Sent: 05/22/2001
Subject:Fund Advisory -- Jones and Babson
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory -- Jones and Babson
DST FAN Mail has provided Ebix CRM with the following information concerning Jones and Babson Mutual Funds. Jones and Babson informed FAN Mail that they incurred a problem with their 5/21/01 price files. Jones and Babson currently downloads under two different system/management codes, Jones and Babson Funds (DFH/JB) and Jones and Babson (Buffalo Funds - DFH/BU). The price file for Jones and Babson Funds (DFH/JB) only contained NAVs for funds 428 and 567. For Jones and Babson Buffalo Funds (DFH/BU) no price file was created. Listed below are the details of their funds and prices for 5/21/01(See Jones and Babson doc.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-303-2787.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: None.

Related Documents:Jones and Babson.doc

Date Sent: 05/18/2001
Subject:Fund Advisory -- WELLS REIT
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory -- WELLS REIT
DST FAN Mail has provided Ebix CRM with the following information concerning Wells REIT (WRERE) Variable Annuities. Wells REIT notified FAN Mail that their 05/09/2001 Distribution file contained errors. The Record Type headers used incorrect Fund Codes (positions 40 through 46). The Distribution File was received by FAN Mail on the evening of 05/09/2001.
Wells REIT has created a Direct Financial Activity File that contains reversal Record Codes and the data to remedy this error. This reversal file will transmit through FAN Mail the afternoon of 05/18/2001. Following the completion of the reversal file, on the afternoon of 05/18/2001, Wells REIT will transmit the corrected Distribution File.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-303-2787.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: None.

Date Sent: 05/18/2001
Subject:Fund Advisory -- Fortis VA
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory -- Fortis VA
DST FAN Mail has provided Ebix CRM with the following information concerning Fortis Variable Annuity. FAN Mail was just notified by Fortis VA (FOR/TI) that two funds had incorrect prices in the 5/17/01 price file. Below is the correct pricing information.
Product Code === Cusip # === Sub-Account Name === Correct Price === Incorrect Price
FORO406 === FOR043JWC === Strong Discovery Fund II === 14.359718 === 11.952389
FORO406 === FOR046JWC === Strong International Fund II === 8.799418 === 8.491874
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-303-2787.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: None.

Date Sent: 05/09/2001
Subject:Fund Advisory -- Pacific Life
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory -- Pacific Life
Pacific Life PCF/PI notified FAN Mail of a recent CUSIP update. The attached spreadsheets detail the Fund Name Changes and the new complete CUSIP list. Changes Complete List (See attached file: pcfpi050101CusipsChanges.xls)
The changes were effective on May 1, 2001. The FAN Mail Website will be updated by May 11, 2001.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-303-2787.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Please DO NOT create any new sub-accounts for Pacific Life. From the CDS desktop go to File a Security Master (Vendor Securities) a and click on the OK button. Once the list of all securities spreadsheet is pulled up, click on the VA tab. Then double click on the appropriate Pacific Life VA records and search the List of Portfolios that need modifications. If you do not have any of the above-mentioned Pacific Life Variable Annuities in your database, no further action is necessary. If you have any questions or need help with this update, please contact Ebix CRM Technical Support at 626-585-3515.

Related Documents: pcfpi050101Cusipschanges.xls

Date Sent: 05/04/2001
Subject:Fund Advisory -- Flag and Deutsche Asset Mgmt
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Fund Advisory -- Flag and Deutsche Asset Mgmt Merger
Deutsche Asset Management (DST/MG) notified FAN Mail that , effective May 7, 2001, they will be merged into Flag Mutual Funds (DST/FG) and Flag will be renamed as Deutsche Asset Management and will take over (DST/FG).
In conjunction with this change, several Funds and CUSIPs will be changing. Attached are spreadsheets listing the affected funds and the corresponding changes.
Attached are two fund matrix; The first one, Deutsche Fund Matrix2.xls, is all the Deutsche Asset Management funds (management company MG) that will roll into management company FG with Fund Names, Fund Numbers, and CUSIP Numbers. The second one, Flag Matrix #2b.xls, is all the Flag funds that are changing names with the new names, and new CUSIPS. (See attached file: Deutsche Fund Matrix2.xls)(See attached file: Flag Matrix #2b.xls)
The account numbers will not be changing. The FAN Mail Website will reflect these changes by May 8, 2001.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-303-2787.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: In the Deutsche Fund Matrix2.xls spreadsheet that is available on our website, please disregard the decimals in the CUSIP Number column for all funds. If you have any questions or need help with this update please contact Ebix CRM Technical Support at 626-585-3515

Related Documents: Deutsche Fund Matrix2.xls,,,,,,, FlagMatrix #2b.xls,,,,, Flag & Deutsche.doc

Date Sent: 05/04/2001
Subject:Fund Advisory -- Western Reserve Life and Jackson Nat'l Live
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Western Reserve Life (WRL/AE) and Jackson National Life (JNL/IL) notified FAN Mail of recent CUSIP updates. The attached spreadsheets detail the changes.
Western Reserve Life has identified funds that have name changes, they have been highlighted. (See attached file: wrlcusips.xls)
Jackson National Life has added some new funds, which are bolded. (See attached file: JacksonNatlcusips.xls)
The changes were effective on 5/01/01. The FAN Mail Website will be updated by 5/08/01.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-303-2787.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Please DO NOT CREATE any new sub-accounts for Western Reserve Life only modify the existing Variable Annuity sub-accounts. From the CDS Desktop click on Fileà Security Master (Vendor Securities)à and click on the OK button. Once the list of all securities spreadsheet is pulled up click on the VA tab. Then double click on the appropriate Western Reserve Life Annuity record and search the List of Portfolios that need modifications to the sub-account descriptions. If you have any questions or need help with this update, please contact Ebix CRM Technical Support at 626-585-3515

Related Documents: JacksonNatlcusips.xls,,,,,wrlcusips.xls

Date Sent: 05/04/2001
Subject:Fund Advisory -- Franklin Templeton
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory Notice - Franklin Templeton
Franklin Templeton Funds has transmitted duplicate Direct Financial Activity and New Account Activity files for the date of 05/02/2001. The files were received and transmitted by FAN Mail on 05/03/2001. The two additional files were exact duplicates of the activity for 05/02/2001 trades and new accounts. Franklin Templeton will not be providing any files to correct the error.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-303-2787.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: You may see the same transaction twice, one that will post and the other transaction whose posting status states “Exists”. There is nothing that needs to be done as CDS will not Post any duplicate transactions.

Date Sent: 05/04/2001
Subject:Fund Advisory -- Phoenix Equity Planning
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory -- Phoenix Equity Planning
Phoenix Equity Planning Corp (DBF/PH) has notified DST FAN Mail that the funds listed below have been closed.
The Phoenix-Zweig Foreign Equity Fund:
Fund # ---- Cussip # ---- Quotron
Class A - ---- 1242 ---- 719167884 ---- PZFAX

Class B - ---- 1243 ---- 719167801 ---- PZFBX

Class C - ---- 1244 ---- 719167660 ---- PZFCX

Class I - ---- 1245 ---- 719167603
These funds were closed with an effective date of April 27, 2001.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-303-2787.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: None.

Date Sent: 05/03/2001
Subject:Fund Advisory -- GAM Funds
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory -- GAM Funds
Effective as of May 1, 2001, the GAM Funds (DFY/GD) will rename the funds in the attached spreadsheet. (See attached file: GAM050101FUNDNAME.xls) The FAN Mail website will reflect these changes by May 3, 2001.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-303-2787.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: DO NOT CREATE any new GAM mutual fund records in the Security Master (Vendor Securities). Modify the existing GAM mutual fund records in the Security Master by searching for the CUSIP number, and then modify the NAME field with the new fund name.

Related Documents: GAM050101FUNDNAME.xls

Date Sent: 05/02/2001
Subject:Fund Advisory -- NVest Funds
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory -- CDC NVest Funds
NVest Funds (DBF/LS) has notified DST FAN Mail that their name has changed to CDC NVest Funds. They have also provided FAN Mail the attached listing of CUSIP updates. The attached spreadsheet details the changes to all CUSIPs for CDC NVest Funds. (See attached file: DBFLSCUSIPS0501.xls) The changes are effective on May 1, 2001. The FAN Mail website database will be updated by May 3, 2001.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-303-2787.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Please read this.

Related Documents: DBFLSCUSIPS0501.xls

Date Sent: 05/02/2001
Subject:Fund Advisory -- Lord Abbett
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory -- Lord Abbett.
Effective as of May 1, 2001, the Lord Abbett Mutual Funds (DST/LA) will be renaming the funds listed in the attached spreadsheet. (See attached file: dstlanames0501.xls)
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-303-2787.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: Please Do Not Create any new Lord Abbett mutual fund records within the Security Master (Vendor Securities). To update your system with these new mutual fund name changes, modify your existing Lord Abbett mutual fund records. Go into the Security Master and modify the Investment Name field within the detail tab.

Related Documents: dstlanames0501.xls

Date Sent: 04/30/2001
Subject:Fund Advisory Notice - Aim Funds
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: FAN Mail has discovered missing Record and Trans/Suffix Codes within the Aim Direct Financial Activity files for 04/24/2001 and 04/27/2001. The files were received by FAN Mail on 04/25/2001 and 04/28/2001 respectively.
The two DFA files included transactions with three blank fields: the Record Code, the Trans Code, and the Trans Suffix Code. Not all transactions were affected by this error. Aim Funds anticipates transmitting an additional file on 05/01/2001, which will include only those transactions initially missing these three codes.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-303-2787.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: None.

Date Sent: 04/27/2001
Subject:Fund Advisory Notice - ING VA
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: Fund Advisory -- Lord Abbett.
ING Variable Annuities (GALGA) provided FAN Mail the attached listing of CUSIP updates. The attached spreadsheet details the changes. Below is a desciption of these changes as identified in the attachement.
The Attached file has the cusips which were either added or involved fund name changes. The first sheet in the file named "Fund Name Change Cusips" includes those cusips which previously existed but with a different fund name. The second sheet named "New Cusips" are newly added cusips based on the new product and funds. The changes are effective on 05/01/2001. The FAN Mail website database will be updated by 05/01/2001.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-303-2787. Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: DO NOT CREATE any new sub-accounts. Use the attached document as a reference to make the appropriate sub-account name changes. Every single sub-account listed in the spreadsheet had a name change and needs modification. From the CDS desktop go to File à Security Master (Vendor Securities) à and click on the OK button. Once the list of all securities spreadsheet is pulled up click on the VA tab. Then double click on the appropriate ING Variable Annuity record and search the List of Portfolios that need modifications to the sub-account descriptions. If you have any questions or need help with this update, please contact Ebix CRM Technical Support at 626-585-3515.

Related Documents: DSTCusipUpdates.xls

Date Sent: 04/27/2001
Subject:Fund Advisory -- Allmerica
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Fund Advisory -- Flag and Deutsche Asset Mgmt Merger
Allmerica provided FAN Mail the four attached listings of CUSIP updates. The attached spreadsheets detail the changes to Allmerica-Kemper (ALKEM), Allmerica-Pioneer (ALPIO), Allmerica-Select (ALSSC) and Allmerica-Delaware (ALDEL). A summary of changes for each company is provided below, all of which are reflected in the attachments.
1. Allmerica-Kemper is changing their Management Company Name to Allmerica-Scudder. In addition, the names of their funds will be changed accordingly to replace "Kemper" with "Scudder." The attachment named "kemcus05.xls" contains a complete listing of all changes affecting Allmerica-Kemper, including the addition of new CUSIPs. The details of the additions follow:
Scudder has added six new investments: a. Scudder Health Sciences Portfolio, managed by Zurich Scudder Investments, Inc.. b. SVS Dynamic Growth Portfolio, subadvised by INVESCO. c. SVS Mid Cap Growth Portfolio, subadvised by Turner Investment Partners. d. SVS Venture Value Portfolio, subadvised by Davis Selected Advisors. e. SVS Strategic Equity Portfolio, subadvised by Oak Associates. f. INVESCO VIF Utilities Fund, managed by INVESCO VIF.
Scudder has merged three Kemper Horizon Portfolios, Horizon 5, Horizon 10, and Horizon 20, into the Scudder Total Return Portfolio. The Kemper International Portfolio has been renamed to reflect the Scudder International Research Portfolio. Thus, as of May 1st, there will be two Scudder International Portfolios: 1. Scudder International Portfolio and 2. Scudder International Research Portfolio (existing). Kemper Value + Growth has updated its investment management to reflect Jennison Associates as the Sub-Advisor. The fund has been renamed SVS Focus Value + Growth Portfolio.
2. Allmerica-Delaware has added the DGPF prefix on some of their fund names. The funds affected are listed in the attached spreadsheet named "delcuschg.xls."
3. Allmerica-Pioneer has added four new funds across their products. The CUSIPs affected are listed in the attached spreadsheet named "piocuschg.xls."
4. Allmerica-Select has added four new funds across their products. One addtional fund was added for the Reward product and all references to Kemper or KVS in the fund names were changed to Scudder and SVS respectively. The CUSIPs affected are listed in the attached spreadsheet named "selcuschg.xls."
The changes are effective on 05/01/2001. The FAN Mail website database will be updated by 05/01/2001.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-303-2787.
Thank You,

Related Documents: delcuschg.xls kemcus05.xls selcuschg.xls

Date Sent: 04/27/2001
Subject:FAN Mail advisory
Sent By: DST Fan Mail
Issue: DST FAN Mail has provided Ebix CRM with the following information concerning Aetna Variable Annuity (AET/NA). Aetna Variable Annuity has made several name changes to their Aetna Marathon Plus VA (ALIAC & AICA) product sub-accounts. Only the sub-account names have changed, the existing CUSIP as well as the Product codes will remain the same. These changes went into effect on 4/30/2001.
Aetna Variable Annuity (AET/NA) provided FAN Mail the attached listing of CUSIP updates. The attached spreadsheet details changes made to several fund names within the Aetna Marathon Plus VA (AICA) product. The attached spreadsheet also details new CUSIPS being added to Aetna's Aetna Variable Annuity (ALIAC) product.
The changes will be effective on 4/30/2001. The FAN Mail website database will be updated by 5/01/2001.
If you have related questions, please contact a FAN Mail representative at 800-303-2787.
Thank You,

Ebix CRM Comments: DO NOT create any new sub-accounts within the existing Variable Annuity product for Aetna Marathon Plus VA. Go into the Security Master and modify any existing Aetna Marathon Plus VA sub-account descriptions that were affected with the new name changes.

Related Documents: FanMail April01 Pru-Pilgrim Fund Adds.xls

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