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Fast Classes spotlight advanced tools and functionality and serve as a supplement to the Core Courses offered on this web site. The following Fast Classes cover tools unique to the SmartOffice Calendar.

Activity Automove
The SmartOffice Automove utility can save you time by automatically moving specific activity types forward in your calendar if the activities are not marked as completed. In addition, this Fast Class covers the Unfinished Appointment tab, where all appointments not marked as complete are listed in one location, giving you a quick reference of appointments that need to be rescheduled.
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Activity Search
Need to get the details on an activity completed a few days or weeks ago? Use the Activity Search tool to save valuable time and find activities and create activity reports quickly.
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>> View the Activity Search Fast Class
>> Download the printable version of the Activity Search Fast Class

Calendar Activity Reports
Leaving the office? Carry a printed copy of your SmartOffice activities with you.
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Creating Recurring Activities
Create SmartCalendar entries for weekly staff meetings and monthly training sessions in just a few simple steps. Add multiple participants and the activities will be added automatically to the SmartCalendar of each invited participant.
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Important Dates Posting
You've got hundreds (if not thousands) of critical dates in SmartOffice - Contact Birthdays, Policy Renewal Dates, Investment Maturity Dates - just to name a few. SmartOffice can help you schedule reminders for virtually any date you've captured in your system with the Important Dates Posting feature of the SmartCalendar.
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Mass Activity Creation
You’ve just conducted a successful seminar and a number of attendees have requested some additional information on retirement planning solutions. Let the SmartOffice Mass Activity Creation tool help you schedule follow-up phone calls to capitalize on your interested prospects!
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Time Zone Adjustment
You’ve got important phone calls scheduled in your SmartOffice calendar but travel plans have taken you into another time zone. No need to worry about rescheduling all of your calls by hand - simply adjust the time zone setting in SmartOffice and your timed activities will be rescheduled automatically.
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Additional Resources
Flash Player is required to view Training Movies and Fast Classes.
User Guides and Printable versions of Fast Classes are available in .PDF format.




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