July 13, 2001
Volume 3
e-Z News is designed to help you maximize your use of the Client Data System (CDS) program. Watch your e-mail for each
bi-weekly edition featuring tips, tricks and how-to's. 

Tip of the Week:  How to liquidate a position.
In order to properly liquidate a position it is essential to follow the steps below. 
*Note: Do not attempt to liquidate a position by merely using the sell feature.  This could result in a partial liquidation and may leave fractional shares in the investment.   
We want to liquidate the Fidelity Magellan mutual fund for our client, Joseph Ackerman.  Let's begin from his contact record and click on the "I" icon to bring up a list of his investments.
Here is a complete list of Joe's investments.  Tag the Fidelity Magellan entry.
 Click Record, Liquidate Position.
You are now prompted to fill in the appropriate information.  Notice that the Shares field has been populated for you. The Proceeds, Shares and Price/Share fields are all calculated fields. 
When you populate two of those three fields and press the tab key on your keyboard, the third field is automatically calculated for you.  For this example we typed in the Price/Share and pressed the tab key, thereby populating the Proceeds field.  Click OK.
 You are now prompted to validate the current investment. Click Yes.
You will notice that the liquidated position is no longer on the summary list. Where can you find the liquidated position?
From the All tab click View, Historical Positions. 
Now you will see Joe's historical positions.
To go back to Joe's active positions Click View, Active Positions.
I accidentally liquidated the wrong position.  What do I do?
To reverse a liquidation simply go to the transaction tab of that liquidated position and delete the last sell transaction. 
In the next E-Z News:  Clever Calendar Tips
If you have any ideas for future e-Z News editions please email Sam at sam@ez-data.com.  If you would prefer not to receive e-Z News please email Sam and type "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
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