Subject: EZ News Vol. 2: Smart tips for the SmartPad.
June 22, 2001
Volume 2
e-Z News is designed to help you maximize your use of the Client Data System (CDS) program. Watch your e-mail for each
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Tip of the Week:  Copying SmartPad entries from one client to another.
How many times have you created a smartpad entry for one client and wanted to quickly add that same note to another client's smartpad? It's easier than you think. 
We want to copy a note entered in Joe Ackerman's SmartPad to his wife, Kathleen's record.
From the client's SmartPad, tag the desired entry you wish to copy.
*Note: Make surthat the "type" of smartpad entry to be copied is a "note."  Entries such as activites and letters cannot be copied to another contact's smartpad.

From the SmartPad click Record, Copy to other contacts.
You will now be prompted to select the contact record(s) to which this SmartPad note should be copied.  Contacts can be selected individually or via a set/filter.  For our example we will choose Joe's wife, Kathleen Ackerman. Click Find.
Type Ackerman,Kathleen. Click OK.
You are now presented with a list of all records matching Ackerman,Kathleen. There is only one. Click the green check mark to select this record.
You can add additional contact records to this list once you've selected Kathleen's record. We only want Kathleen for this example. Click OK.
You are now prompted to copy the smartpad entry to the selected contacts. Click Yes.
Now when you go to Kathleen Ackerman's smartpad you will see that the entry has been copied into her smartpad.
In the next E-Z News:  Investments made E-Z
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